10 Survival Items You Don’t Really Need to Hoard

Being well-prepared for unexpected situations is essential, yet misjudging what to include in your emergency stockpile is possible. A savvy prepper challenges conventional stocking-up strategies by spotlighting items that may not be as beneficial to hoard as you might think.

This list, derived from the experiences of seasoned survival experts, identifies ten items that might not be as useful in your emergency stash as anticipated.

Smart prepping isn’t just about accumulating items but making strategic choices about what to store. Fasten your seatbelt – this advice might just redefine your entire survival planning approach.

1. Perishable Foods

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Image Credit: S_Photo/Shutterstock.

Perishable foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meats, have a limited shelf life and can spoil quickly without proper preservation methods.

In an emergency situation, it’s crucial to prioritize items that won’t deteriorate rapidly. Instead, focus on non-perishable options like canned goods, dried fruits, and freeze-dried meals.

These foods have extended shelf life and can be stored longer, reducing the risk of waste.

2. Excessive Luxury Items

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Image Credit: Arkhipenko Olga/Shutterstock.

While comfort items can boost morale during difficult times, it’s important not to prioritize luxury items over essential supplies.

Overindulging in gourmet foods, expensive wines, or extravagant gadgets can divert resources from more critical needs like food, water, and shelter.

While it’s reasonable to include a few comfort items, the emphasis should be on practical necessities during emergencies.

3. Single-Use Items

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Image Credit: vlaru/Shutterstock.

Stockpiling single-use items like disposable plates, cutlery, and paper towels may seem convenient, but it can lead to excessive waste, which is unsustainable in a crisis. Instead, opt for reusable and durable alternatives.

Reusable plates, utensils, and cloth towels reduce waste and contribute to long-term sustainability. Additionally, choose rechargeable batteries and invest in a sustainable power source, like solar or hand-powered generators, to minimize the environmental impact.

4. Large Quantities of Medications

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Illustration. Photo Credit: heila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock.

While having an adequate supply of medications for chronic conditions is essential, hoarding excessive quantities can be risky. Medications have expiration dates, and using expired or incorrect dosages can be harmful.

Consult with your healthcare provider to determine an appropriate quantity to stockpile based on your specific medical needs. It’s also advisable to rotate medications to ensure they remain effective.

5. Unproven or Unfamiliar Tools

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Photo Credit:NewAfrica/Deposit Photos.

In a survival situation, relying on tools and equipment you are familiar with and have practiced using is crucial.

Acquiring unproven or overly complex tools may lead to confusion and inefficiency during emergencies. Prioritize tools and equipment with proven reliability and practicality. It’s better to have well-tested, versatile tools that you can use effectively when needed.

6. Bulky & Impractical Items

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Image Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/ShutterStock.v

Space is often limited in a survival stockpile, so avoid bulky or impractical items that offer little utility. Instead, focus on compact, multi-use items that can serve multiple purposes.

Versatile tools and equipment that save space are more efficient in optimizing your stockpile’s storage capacity.

7. Items with Short Shelf Lives

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Image Credit: Aaron J Hill/Shutterstock.

Be cautious when stockpiling items with short shelf lives or those prone to expiration, such as certain batteries, toiletries, and cleaning supplies.

Regularly check expiration dates and rotate these items to ensure they remain effective when needed. Prioritize products with longer shelf lives to minimize the need for frequent replacements.

8. Items You Don’t Know How to Use

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Image Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock.

It’s essential to have proficiency in using the tools and equipment in your stockpile. Acquiring items like firearms, complex medical equipment, or advanced survival gear without proper training can pose safety risks.

Ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills to use these items safely and effectively, or consider more user-friendly alternatives.

9. Items That Can Attract Pests

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Image Credit: Anne Webber/Shutterstock.

Storing large quantities of grains, cereals, or other food items without proper sealing can attract pests like rodents and insects.

To prevent contamination and infestation, store food securely in airtight containers and implement pest control measures in your storage area as needed.

Proper food storage is essential to maintain the quality and safety of your supplies.

10. Hoarding Excessive Quantities

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Image Credit: ronstik/Shutterstock.

While having a sufficient stockpile for survival is vital, hoarding excessively can lead to waste and deprive others in need.

Consider the actual needs of your household and community, and be willing to share resources when possible. Collaborating with others can enhance collective preparedness and resilience during emergencies.

Strategic & Sustainable Stockpiling Practices

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Image Credit: Natasha Breen/Shutterstock.

If procuring all items for your stockpile at once is financially burdensome, consider gradually accumulating items by picking up one or two during each grocery store visit. Taking advantage of sales and bulk purchasing stores can also assist in cost-effective stockpiling.

It’s crucial to store your stockpile in an easily accessible location during an emergency, ideally in a cool, dark place, away from any solvents or cleaners that might leak or transfer fumes, and in an area not prone to flooding.

Regularly checking and refreshing your stockpile, ensuring items are not expired or damaged, and maintaining an organized and well-documented inventory are also pivotal in ensuring your stockpile is reliable and effective in times of emergency.

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10 Survival Items You Don't Really Need to Hoard » sources 1 2
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/DepositPhotos.
  1. vox.com/the-goods/2020/3/3/21162099/coronavirus-stockpiling-prepare
  2. cnbc.com/2020/03/13/coronavirus-stockpiling-what-not-to-waste-money-on-pandemic-planner.html

This article was produced and syndicated by Viral Chatter.

Martha A. Lavallie
Martha A. Lavallie
Author & Editor | + posts

Martha is a journalist with close to a decade of experience in uncovering and reporting on the most compelling stories of our time. Passionate about staying ahead of the curve, she specializes in shedding light on trending topics and captivating global narratives. Her insightful articles have garnered acclaim, making her a trusted voice in today's dynamic media landscape.