5 Game-Changing Questions Job Seekers are Asking

Hiring competent employees is a critical part of any industry. Employees need to possess a robust blend of physical, mental, social, and emotional competencies to meet the dynamic demands of the workplace.

In traditional interviews, the interviewer tends to dominate the conversation. However, a game-changing video by Kyyah Abdul recently went viral. 

She revealed five powerful questions to ask potential employers during the ubiquitous “Do you have any questions for us?” portion of an interview. These five questions can make quite an impression on employers.

5 Game-Changing Questions Job Seekers are Asking » interview questions
Image Credit: TikTok @kyyahabdul.

The Value of Asking Employers These 5 Questions

Assessing a prospective workplace is about more than just the primary qualifications of a role. Prospective employees must ascertain that they’ll receive fair compensation and benefits for their efforts.

Often, there’s an imbalance in the employee-employer relationship. Employees may deliver high-quality work and put in extra hours without adequate compensation. This is where Kyyah Abdul’s five questions come in.

In the video, Kyyah shares her go-to interview questions, recounting how each query surprises interviewers while simultaneously allowing her to address potential concerns.

Unpacking the ‘Big Five’ Questions & Their Benefits to Employees

The five questions that Kyyah suggests have come to be known as the ‘BIG FIVE’. They’ve been lauded by both employers and employees alike for their effectiveness during an interview.

Question 1: “How do you and senior leadership respond to errors made in the workplace?”

Question 2: “What percentage of the team have personal commitments outside of work, and how flexible is the organization in allowing employees to fulfill such commitments?”

Question 3: “Given the industry, I understand this role may call for a fluctuating work week. Can you tell me how many late nights and weekends you have worked in the past 3 months?”

Question 4: “How long have you been in the organization, and how many job titles have you held?”

Question 5: “Is there anything in my resume or anything we discussed today that instills doubt in my capabilities to excel in this role?”

The Impact of the Big Five Questions

The video struck a chord with job seekers, reaching an impressive 3.6M views, 492.9k likes, and garnering 2193 comments and 16.7k shares. 

Viewers found the questions practical and insightful, reflecting their 100% effectiveness.

One user commented, “That last one literally got me my current job. No one has asked them that and put themselves on the spot like that.”

Even an HR professional weighed in, stating, “I’m an HR professional and these are ALL excellent questions an interviewee should ask. Well done.”

Another user thanked Kyyah, saying, “Hey, thank you for sharing this!! I had an interview yesterday and I asked the last question and got great feedback literally an hour later I was hired!!”

The Video

Are you intrigued about acing your next interview? Here’s the video:


@kyyahabdul 5 Interview Questions I like to Ask! #corporateamerica #corporatetiktok #corporatelife #corporatetiktokers #shopify #layoffs #interviewtips #interviewquestions ♬ original sound – Kyyah Abdul

Martha A. Lavallie
Martha A. Lavallie
Author & Editor | + posts

Martha is a journalist with close to a decade of experience in uncovering and reporting on the most compelling stories of our time. Passionate about staying ahead of the curve, she specializes in shedding light on trending topics and captivating global narratives. Her insightful articles have garnered acclaim, making her a trusted voice in today's dynamic media landscape.