Expert Insights on How to Safely Separate Old Stuck Photos

Memories captured in photographs are priceless. However, over time, some of these cherished photos, especially those from the 90s and 2000s, may become stuck together.

The challenge lies in separating them without causing any damage. Two primary methods to help you achieve this are the dryer technique and The Water Method.

The Hairdryer Technique

Expert Insights on How to Safely Separate Old Stuck Photos » woman blow drying hair ss2158340801
Image Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock.

The hairdryer technique is a popular and effective method to separate photos that have become stuck together. The principle behind this method is to use the heat from the hairdryer to soften the adhesive properties that might be causing the photos to stick.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Setting Up:

  • Create a makeshift tunnel using a garbage bag. This can be done by tying a string to both ends of the bag, ensuring it remains open.
  • The tunnel acts as a conduit for the heat, ensuring it is evenly distributed over the photos.

Positioning the Photos:

  • Place the stuck photos inside the tunnel. Ensure they are spread out and not overlapping.

Applying Heat:

  • Direct the hairdryer to one end of the tunnel, ensuring the other end remains open. This allows for a consistent flow of heat.
  • It’s crucial to keep the hairdryer at a safe distance to prevent any potential damage. The photos should feel warm, not hot.
  • Check the photos every 30 seconds to monitor their progress. If you feel the need for more heat, slightly close the back end of the tunnel. This increases the heat intensity without moving the hairdryer closer.

Safety Tip: Always use the hairdryer on a low setting to prevent overheating. Overheating can cause the photos to warp or the colors to fade.

The Water Method

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Image Credit: Volkova Vera/Shutterstock.

Historically, traditional photos have a deep-rooted connection with water. They undergo a process of being submerged in various solutions during their development. This makes water a natural and effective agent to unstick old photos.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Choosing the Right Water:

  • While regular tap water is often sufficient, distilled water can be a safer option as it is free from any impurities that might affect the photos.

Submerging the Photos:

  • Place the photos that are stuck together in a tray or bowl filled with cold water.
  • Gently swish them around using your fingers or silicone tongs. This motion helps in loosening the adhesive properties.

Separating the Photos:

  • As the photos soak, they will begin to loosen up from each other. If they don’t separate immediately, be patient and give them some time.
  • Gently wiggle the photos to help them separate. Ensure you handle them with care to prevent any tears.


  • Once separated, remove the photos from the water, gently shaking off the excess.
  • Lay them out flat on cake cooling racks or parchment paper to air dry. Ensure they are not overlapping and are in a well-ventilated area.

Additional Tips:

  • If the photos have dirt or residues, this method can also help clean them. The water can wash away any dirt, ensuring the photos are clean when they dry.
  • Always handle wet photos with care. Their structure is delicate when wet, making them prone to tears.

Preserving old photos is akin to preserving cherished memories. While the task may seem daunting, with the right techniques and a gentle touch, you can ensure these memories last for generations to come.

What Not To Do When Cleaning Your Glasses

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Image Credit: RealPeopleStudio/Shutterstock.

Glasses, whether for vision correction or sun protection, are a vital accessory for many, but cleaning them without leaving smudges or water spots can be a challenge. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to dry your glasses effectively.

Safeguarding Your Valuables: 8 Essential Tips to Protect Yourself from Pickpockets

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Image Credit: tommaso79/Shutterstock.

Pickpocketing, an age-old crime, persists in diverse settings, from city streets to crowded transit. As urban centers expand and tourism flourishes, pickpockets adapt with sophisticated tactics.

But fear not, for with proper precautions, you can slash the odds of becoming their target. Here are essential tips on safeguarding your wallet and valuables from pickpockets.


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Martha A. Lavallie
Martha A. Lavallie
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Martha is a journalist with close to a decade of experience in uncovering and reporting on the most compelling stories of our time. Passionate about staying ahead of the curve, she specializes in shedding light on trending topics and captivating global narratives. Her insightful articles have garnered acclaim, making her a trusted voice in today's dynamic media landscape.