Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: “My biggest gym pet peeve”

In today’s digital age, sharing workouts on social media has become common. With influencers and fitness enthusiasts constantly posting their routines, it’s not uncommon to see cameras set up in various corners of the gym.

However, not all interactions captured are about the exercises.

Sometimes, they highlight underlying issues related to gym etiquette and respect.

The Incident In Focus

Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: "My biggest gym pet peeve" » gym ss1471750145
Image Credit: P Stock/Shutterstock.

A recent video clip showcased a woman preparing to squat on the smith machine.

As she was about to begin her set, an off-camera voice politely interrupted her, asking about the number of sets she had left on the machine.

The woman’s visibly annoyed reaction, followed by her returning to her workout, was overlaid with the text, “My biggest gym pet peeve.”

Public Response

Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: "My biggest gym pet peeve" » man shocked at phone ss1902891454
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.

The video garnered a variety of responses from the online community.

One user pointed out the sensitivity of approaching women in the gym,

“I would’ve waited until she finished. I would personally prefer if someone didn’t interrupt me entering/during a set. Just courtesy.”

Another user emphasized the importance of timing when initiating a conversation, especially when someone is in the middle of their workout:

“I’m sorry, but it’s my pet peeve too. If I’m still on the machine I’m obviously using it, keep your eye out and when I’m not on it, make your move.”

Joey Swoll’s Take on the Matter

Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: "My biggest gym pet peeve" » bodybuiler ss1722460018
Image Credit: Ruslan Shugushev/Shutterstock.

Joey Swoll, a renowned bodybuilder and trainer, didn’t hesitate to share his perspective.

He defended the man’s approach, stating,

“This man did nothing wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with somebody asking you politely how many sets you have left.”

Swoll further criticized the woman’s reaction, emphasizing that the man’s polite inquiry did not warrant her dismissive attitude.

He also highlighted the importance of respecting fellow gym-goers, reminding everyone that the gym is a shared space.

The Larger Issue at Hand

Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: "My biggest gym pet peeve" » angry woman call ss1363683692
Illustration. Image Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock

The incident brings to light the broader issue of gym etiquette and the importance of mutual respect in shared spaces.

Swoll’s statement,

“It’s a shared space. You don’t own the gym; your name is not on it. Until it is, I suggest you mind your own business, be better than that,”

However, some users speculated about the man’s intentions. A viewer commented, suggesting that the man might have been trying to strike up a conversation with the woman, questioning the timing of his approach:

“I don’t believe he should have bothered her. He just wanted to talk to her.”

Women’s Safety Concerns In Gyms & Men’s Misinterpreted Interactions

Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: "My biggest gym pet peeve" » happy women workout dp216126166
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

The gym, a place designed for physical well-being, often becomes a space where gender dynamics play out in subtle yet impactful ways.

On one hand, a significant number of women feel unsafe while exercising in public spaces. A study by Myprotein[1] revealed that:

  • 76% of women felt they’ve been stared at while exercising, impacting their confidence and mental well-being.
  • 63% of women changed their behavior based on who was present in the gym, with some avoiding specific exercises or attire.
  • 44% have cut their workout short due to unwanted attention.

The Growing Concern

Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: "My biggest gym pet peeve" » concerned working out man ss461915587
Image Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, the gym, meant for health and wellness, has become a setting for various misunderstandings and accusations.

While it’s essential to address genuine cases of harassment, there’s a growing concern about men being falsely accused of inappropriate behavior.

The #MeToo Movement’s Impact: The #MeToo movement has undeniably brought to light numerous genuine cases of harassment, empowering victims to share their stories.

However, with its rise, there’s also been an increase in concerns about false accusations.

A Forbes article[2] highlights the challenges men face when falsely accused, emphasizing the importance of balance in addressing these concerns.


Woman Roasts Gym Goer, But Backfires- Bodybuilder Calls Out Her ‘Entitled’ Behavior: "My biggest gym pet peeve" » sources 1 2
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/DepositPhotos.
  1. myprotein.com/thezone/our-ambassadors/exercising-in-public-myprotein-staff-survey-results/
  2. forbes.com/sites/karlynborysenko/2020/02/12/the-dark-side-of-metoo-what-happens-when-men-are-falsely-accused/

This article was produced and syndicated by Viral Chatter. It was inspired by this video:

@thejoeyswoll Treat others in the gym with kindness and respect or stay home. #MYOB ♬ original sound – Joey Swoll

Martha A. Lavallie
Martha A. Lavallie
Author & Editor | + posts

Martha is a journalist with close to a decade of experience in uncovering and reporting on the most compelling stories of our time. Passionate about staying ahead of the curve, she specializes in shedding light on trending topics and captivating global narratives. Her insightful articles have garnered acclaim, making her a trusted voice in today's dynamic media landscape.