Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.”

In a startling turn of events, Florida homeowner Denise Wuetcher has found herself embroiled in a fierce legal showdown with her Homeowners Association (HOA) over a seemingly mundane matter – using a clothesline in her backyard.

This dispute, which began innocuously in 2018, has spiraled into a $2,500 fine, leaving Wuetcher and many others astonished by the extent of power some HOAs can wield.

A Laundry Line Controversy

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » man doing laundry ss238016806
Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.

Initially, Wuetcher had applied to install a clothesline behind her Venice, Florida, residence, and the Verona Reserve Homeowners Association duly granted her request. However, trouble brewed when she started using the line.

The HOA promptly issued a notice, contending that the clothesline was visible from the street and violated the association’s regulations. To comply, Wuetcher was advised to relocate the line closer to her home, which would obstruct sunlight and expose her clothes to dirt and siding contact.

As Wuetcher resisted moving her clothesline, the HOA imposed a daily fine of $100, swiftly accumulating to the maximum penalty of $2,500.

A Shocking Revelation

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » shocked woman ss2145153819
Image Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

The astounding nature of this HOA’s authority became a hot topic when a screenshot of the Fox 13 News article about Wuetcher’s ordeal was shared on Reddit in 2021. Users on the platform expressed disbelief that an HOA could wield such power over a homeowner’s seemingly ordinary choice.

“That sounds utterly nuts, and based on a highly subjective take on what’s ‘desirable’ in a neighborhood,” remarked one commenter. Another questioned the very existence of HOAs, saying, “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.”

Wuetcher herself admitted, “I never realized this was a possibility.”

The Legal Quandary

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » Folder on lawyer table dp134246148
Image Credit: belchonock/Deposit Photos.

While HOAs across the United States often possess the authority to regulate home modifications to maintain a desired neighborhood appearance, Wuetcher’s case took a peculiar turn.

Her lawyer, James Potts Sr., pointed out that the Verona Reserve HOA did not have a specific rule against visible clotheslines.

“[The HOA] have not properly referenced, or put us on notice, precisely which covenant or which bylaw we have broken,” he asserted. Potts Sr. also emphasized that Wuetcher had a legal right to place her clothesline “where it’s most efficient, where you can make the most use of the sun.”

Unenforceable HOA Rules

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » Homeowners association ss1282911289
Image Credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/Shutterstock.

Unenforceable HOA rules refer to Homeowners Association rules that, despite their presence, cannot be legally enforced for various reasons. These rules are established to regulate the behavior of community members within the association.

Understanding HOA rules and their enforceability is crucial to deciphering which ones may fall into the unenforceable category.

HOA Rules & Covenants

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » home owners association dp221329748
Image Credit: AndreyPopov/DepositPhotos.

HOA rules and HOA covenants are sometimes used interchangeably, but they serve distinct roles. HOA rules pertain to regulations that homeowners within an HOA community must adhere to. These rules are typically outlined in the association’s governing documents.

On the other hand, HOA covenants can be found within the Covenants, Conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) of the association. They specify both the obligations and rights of the association and its members. In essence, both HOA rules and HOA covenants dictate what homeowners and the HOA can or cannot do.

The Extent of HOA Authority

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » home owners association ss1535919590
Image Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.

It’s essential to understand the extent of an HOA’s authority. Generally, both HOA covenants and rules are legally binding and enforceable. However, some exceptions exist, leading to unenforceable rules. These unenforceable HOA rules can be identified through various criteria:

Violates Rights or Breaches Laws

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » law book dp38780703
Image Credit: alancrosthwaite/Deposit Photos.

Unenforceable rules arise when they violate federal and state laws, including constitutional rights, which take precedence over an association’s governing documents. For instance:

Freedom of Speech

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » two guys talking ss1562219686
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Rules restricting homeowners from displaying political signs on their property may be unenforceable, especially during election times, depending on state laws.


Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » woman isolated from friends ss1282949833
Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Rules discriminating against homeowners based on race, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, or, in some cases, gender identity and sexual orientation can be considered unenforceable due to violations of the Federal Fair Housing Act and state laws.

HOA Fine Policies

Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » home owners association ss2174659263
Image Credit: Jack_the_sparow/Shutterstock.

HOAs can levy fines against residents who violate rules, provided the governing documents grant the authority. Governing documents may explicitly state the board’s power to impose fines or imply it.

Proper procedures must be in place for violations, often involving warnings and hearings, depending on state laws. The HOA board must educate homeowners on HOA policies to ensure they know the rules they are expected to follow.

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Outraged Homeowner Battles $2,500 HOA Fine for Laundry: “Wait, the HOA is a real thing? I thought that was TV.” » sources 1 2
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/DepositPhotos.
  1. cedarmanagementgroup.com/hoa-fine-policies/
  2. hoamanagement.com/unenforceable-hoa-rules/
  3. hub.associaonline.com/blog/hoa-rules

This article was produced and syndicated by Viral Chatter. It was inspired by this Reddit thread.

Martha A. Lavallie
Martha A. Lavallie
Author & Editor | + posts

Martha is a journalist with close to a decade of experience in uncovering and reporting on the most compelling stories of our time. Passionate about staying ahead of the curve, she specializes in shedding light on trending topics and captivating global narratives. Her insightful articles have garnered acclaim, making her a trusted voice in today's dynamic media landscape.